1. It is overcast. All those pictures of the London skyline with a brilliant blue
sky must have been taken on the same day, because it rains every.
freaking. day. in London. 2. Look at the 4 fake-looking UFOs
photoshopped into the sky! Maybe Kathy arrived on one of them.)
Kathy left last night for London, for a business trip. She does this to me about once every 3-4 months. I hate it. Partially because I always miss Kathy like crazy. I mean, an abnormal amount considering it is only 4 days. But also because her trips to London seem to coincide with strings of bad luck.
Remember last year, when that volcano in Iceland erupted, and all those travelers got stranded? Yeah, Kathy was one of them. Her 4 day trip ended up taking over 10 days. C was drawing pictures of volcanoes at preschool with "Mommy" written on one side and little stick figures of himself crying on the other. It was horrible. Also, while she was gone, the car broke down. And the neighbors not-so-subtly implied that our bushes were out of control so I had to spend an entire Saturday with the electric hedge trimmers. Also our lawnmower broke that weekend. And also the basement flooded and I had to have the restoration people come in and pull up the carpet and dry it out, and then I discovered there were asbestos tiles underneath the carpet and those had to be ripped out too. All in one week. Kathy and I used to joke that if our lives were a soap opera, the viewers would watch us that week and yell at their TVs, "Come on! Leave those poor people alone, it's not even realistic anymore!"