Sometimes I think owning things, like a house or a car is great - you can drill holes, plant a garden, paint, whatever. Sometimes, though, it totally sucks.
I had a really great Memorial Day weekend. It was our first Fire Island weekend of the season, as well as Kathy's college reunion. I got my first really weird sunburn from inadequate sunscreen application (one-inch square in the middle of my chest and a sunburned armpit), which sounds terrible but is actually a fun reminder of lying on the beach, and happens every year anyway.
In preparation for the college reunion/Fire Island driving, we had to get our '99 Jetta fixed. It was running okay, but didn't sound all that great, so we thought we would take it in. $656 later, the car ran exactly the same. For real, no discernible difference. We drove it out to Fire Island on Saturday afternoon, and, sitting at a stoplight, it stalled. "Weird," Kathy said. "I haven't stalled a car in years." (dun dun dun, ominous foreshadowing).